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Casing pipe

  • Origin: China
  • Location: Jiangguantun Industrial Park, Liaocheng Development Zone, Shandong, China
  • Supply Type: oem service
  • Processing Time: 3-15Days
  • Min Order: 3

Supplier Info.

  • Location Jiangguantun Industrial Park, Liaocheng Development Zone, Shandong, China
  • Employees Total 5
  • Annual Revenue


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套管有五种等级,分别是J55,K55,N80,L80,P110ã€‚æ ¹æ®å¥—ç®¡æœ«ç«¯èžºçº¹å’Œè”æŽ¥å½¢å¼ï¼Œå®ƒç”±STC,LTCå’ŒBTC组成。STC表示短螺纹连接,LTC表示长螺纹连接,BTC表示支撑螺纹连接。通常,长度由R1,R2å’ŒR3组成。R1的范围是4.88至7.62m,R2的范围是7.621至10.36m,R3的范围是10.36至14.63m。


Petroleum industry is an industry that uses a large of oil pipes, and oil pipes play an important role in the oil industry: 1. Oil pipes are used in large quantities and spend a lot of money, which has great potential for saving expenses and reducing costs. The consumption of oil well pipes can be calculated according to the annual drilling footage. According to the specific situation in China, 62kg of oil well pipe is needed for every 1m of drilling, including 48kg of casing and 10kg of oil pipe. 3kg drill pipe and 0.5kg drill collar; 2. The mechanical and environmental behaviors of oil pipes have an important influence on the adoption of advanced technologies and the increase of production and efficiency in the oil industry. 3. The failure loss of oil pipe is huge, and its safety, reliability and service life are of great importance to the oil industry.


1Is there any Anti corrosive protection for steel pipes?

It is made of high-density polyethylene wrapped on the outer surface of steel pipe, which has high mechanical strength and exnt corrosion resistance, and can protect it from damage caused by external factors during transportation, installation and use.

2.What is the difference between oil tubing and casing pipe?

The main difference between oil tubing and casing pipe is that oil tubing is used for oil production, gas production, water injection and acid fracturing in oil wells. Casing pipe refers to the reservoir casing used when drilling to the target layer (oil-bearing and gas-bearing horizon). It is mainly used for sealing all oil and gas layers and upper exposed strata. Inside the oil casing is an oil layer.

3.What is Anti-corrosion measures of oil casing?

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