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Andarine/S4 CAS:401900-40-1

  • Origin: China
  • Supply Type: oem service
  • Processing Time: 7 to 10 days
  • Min Order: 10

Supplier Info.

  • Employees Total 11-50
  • Annual Revenue US$5 Million - US$10 Million


纯度:99% HPLC




交货时间:收到付款后 24 小时



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3. Depending on the transportation method you choose, the logistics update time is different. At any time, you can me to learn more about the logistics information of the package.

4. After your parcel is displayed for receipt, I will confirm with you as soon as possible to ensure that you have received it.

5. Afterwards, if you have any questions about new orders or product quality, please feel free to me


1. I want to know more details about the product, how can I you?

The website of our company is


2. How do I know if your goods are real or fake?

We will test every batch of goods, if you need, I can provide a test report, including HPLC, MS and HNMR. Please find a professional chemical person to help you confirm the authenticity of the test report.

Of course, you can also purchase samples and test them for you through a testing agency you trust.

3. How can you ensure that I receive the package safely?

To receive the package safely, I first need to know your delivery address, do you have a preferred express delivery method, and have you purchased from China before?

Why should we understand this?

Because each country has different levels of requirements for imported packages, especially chemical products, I need to provide you with the safest choice after understanding the basic information.

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4. 如何付款?

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5. 一般多久能收到包裹?

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通常欧洲国家是在向您发送跟踪号后 10-15 天。

ç¾Žå›½å’ŒåŠ æ‹¿å¤§ä¸€èˆ¬æ˜¯7-10天。


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