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Grinding machine

  • Origin: China
  • Supply Type: oem service

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  • Employees Total 501-1000
  • Annual Revenue Above US$100 Million



ç£¨ç ‚æœºMS1300*4 Grinding machine, 1300 * 4  -------  1台

输送平台1300*2500 Transportation platform 1300*2500----2台

集尘器 Dust collector-------------------------------------------------------1台

ç ‚å¸¦1330*1900 Abrasive belt 1330 * 1900-----------------------16条

ç ‚å¸¦æ˜Žç»†ï¼šBelt details:





MS-4å¹²å¼ç£¨ç ‚æœº


Operating manual of dry sand mill

Order it

目  录

Orders to record

è­¦ç¤ºæ ‡è¯†Warning labels.............................2

      一、 概述An overview of the.......................... 3

      1、功能介绍Function is introduced.....................3

      2ã€åŠ å·¥è¦æ±‚Processing requirements...................3

      3、技术参数Technical parameters......................3

     二、 安装The installation..............................4

三、 摆动汽缸结构Swinging cylinder structure.............4

四、操作面板Operation panel...........................5

1、开机前检查Check before startup.................5

       2、开机操作Boot the operating......................6

       3、停机操作Stop operation.........................6


Turbine-worm manual fine-tuning structure -- hammer table

     六、 常见故障排除Common troubleshooting..................6

     七、 常规保养与维护Routine maintenance and maintenance.....8

     八、腾辉产品介绍列表Product description list.................10

é™„é¡µï¼šç£¨ç ‚æœºæŽ¥çº¿å›¾Attached: wiring diagram of grinding machine-----


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An overview of the


Function is introduced

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é“œæ¿ç­‰å¹³æ¿è¡¨é¢ç ‚å¸¦ç£¨ç ‚åŠä¸çº¹åŠ å·¥ï¼Œå¦‚NO.3、NO.4又称雪花纹、

çŸ­ä¸ã€ç¢Žä¸ã€é›ªèŠ±ç ‚ç­‰ï¼‰ã€HL(又称长丝、直丝、发纹等)、或与尼龙

è½®ç»“åˆåŠ å·¥æ®µçº¹ï¼ˆåˆåSB纹、尼龙轮拉丝、段丝,断丝、长发丝等)

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According to the size of the sand rack, the dry grinder can be divided into three types: single sand grinder, second sand grinder and four sand grinder. Dry grinding machine is mainly used for various types of stainless steel plate, stainless steel coil plate, aluminum plate, aluminum alloy plate, copper plate surface abrasive belt grinding and silking processing, such as NO. 3, NO. 4, also known as snow pattern, short ire, snowflake sand, etc.), HL (also known as filament, hair c.), or combined with nylon wheel processing a SB re drawing, eel broken ir, etc.) and the combination of multiple silking; The effect of the silk will be different according to the material, abrasive tool, speed and working environment.

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Processing requirements



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Stainless steel plate, aluminum plate and copper plate with flat surface, with thickness between 0.5 and 50mm.The length is greater than 350mm.Dry - type machine and feed frame, flat film machine, fan and other equipment.Suitable for use, and the wet machine need to be equipped with excessive grinding fluid, water extrusion drying equipment.When the material is rolled, it shall be equipped with rolling and equalizing equipment.


Technical parameters

M4S-1300å››ç ‚æž¶æœºåž‹çš„æŠ€æœ¯å‚æ•°ï¼Œå…¶å®ƒå®½åº¦æœºåž‹æŠ€æœ¯å‚æ•°ç›¸åº”å˜åŠ¨ã€‚

The technical parameters of the M4S-1300 4 sand frame models, and the technical parameters of other width models change accordingly.

磨削板材宽度 Width of grinding plate     1300mm

   磨削板材厚度 Grinding sheet thickness   0.5mm~5.0mm

   磨削板材最小长度Minimum length of grinding plate 350mm

   输送带速度Belt speed         6~30m/min

  主电机功率Main motor power      11kw*4

  输送带电机功率Motor power of conveyor belt  3kw

  升降机功率Lift power             0.55kw

  工作气压Work pressure       0.55mpa

   所需吸尘风量The amount of air needed to absorb dust 5500m3/min

风机功率 The fan power             5.5KW

装机总容量Installed capacity            53.05KW

设备总重The total weight of equipment             6.00T

外形尺寸(长*宽*高)Overall dimensions(length * width * height)  Â(MM)Â

送料平台参数Feeding platform parameters:

外形尺寸(长*宽*高)Overall dimensions(length * width * height) 2500*1300*830(MM)*2Taiwan

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              The grinder swings the cylinder


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Operating panel of sander     Â


Turbine-worm manual fine-tuning structure -- hammer table

常用操作  Â

Common operations     Â

一、开机前检查Check before startup:

  (1ï¼‰æ£€æŸ¥ç ‚å¸¦æ‘†åŠ¨æ˜¯å¦æ­£å¸¸ã€‚Check the belt swing is normal

若不正常,连续点动电机按钮,调节摆动气缸,直至摆动正常。If not normal, continuously point the motor button, adjust the swing cylinder until the swing normal.

  (2ï¼‰æ£€æŸ¥æ¿æä¸Žç ‚å¸¦ä¹‹é—´åŽ‹ç€åŠ›æ˜¯å¦ç›¸åŒã€‚Check whether the pressing force between the plate and the belt is the same.

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Check the air pressure


If not normal, check whether the air compressor is open.


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Check whether the pressing force of the roller is normal (the roller should first the plate 1 cm ahead of the rubber roller) .If it is not normal, when stop, lift the conveyor platform to 1 cm of sand belt and loosen

Press the roller screw, adjust the nut parallel to the press roller seat, tighten the screw.

二、开机操作Boot the operating:

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能后相继开启1#、2#、3#、4#ç ‚å¸¦ï¼Œå¾…ç ‚å¸¦ç”µæœºå·¥ä½œç¨³å®šåŽæŠŠç¬¬ä¸€å¼ æ¿ææ”¾äºŽè¾“é€å¸¦ä¸Šå¼€å§‹ç£¨ç ‚ï¼Œæ£€æŸ¥ç£¨ç ‚åŽçš„æ¿ææ˜¯å¦è¾¾åˆ°æ‰€éœ€æ•ˆæžœï¼Œè‹¥æœªè¾¾åˆ°ï¼Œç‚¹åŠ¨ä¸Šå‡ï¼ˆé™ä½Žï¼‰æŒ‰é’®ï¼ŒåŠ å¤§ï¼ˆé™ä½Žï¼‰åŽ‹åŠ›ï¼Œç›´è‡³æ¿ææ‰“ç£¨æ•ˆæžœè¾¾åˆ°é¢„æœŸå€¼ã€‚After the above inspection is completed without error, the conveyor belt should be opened to move forward, and the dust absorption power should be turned on

The first plate shall be placed on the conveyor belt for sanding after the motor works stably. Check whether the sanding plate meets the required effect. If not, press the rising (decreasing) button and increase (decreasing) pressure until the sanding effect reaches the expected value.


(note: the ammeter should not exceed the motor load to avoid burning out the motor.)

三、停机操作Stop operation:

当板材全部输送出机器后,先相继停止1#ç ‚å¸¦ã€2#、3#、4#ç ‚å¸¦ï¼Œæ— å°˜åŽå…³é—­é£Žæœºï¼Œå¾…ç ‚å¸¦ç”µæœºå®Œå…¨åœæ­¢è½¬åŠ¨ï¼Œåœæ­¢è¾“é€å¸¦ã€‚

When all the plates are transported out of the machine, first stop # sand belt, 2#, 3# and 4# sand belt one after another. Close the fan after no dust. When the motor of the sand belt stops rotating completely, stop the conveyor belt.




Power indicator is not on: power is not available or key switch is not activated.

(2ï¼‰ç ‚å¸¦ä¸æ‘†åŠ¨:

Belt nonoscillating:


Check the air pressure is normal;


Whether the solenoid valve is damaged;


Whether the time relay is damaged;


Whether the swing cylinder is damaged;

(3ï¼‰ç ‚å¸¦æ‘†åŠ¨ä¸æ­£å¸¸ï¼š

The belt oscillates abnormally


Adjust swing cylinder seat;

Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â æ£€æŸ¥ç ‚å¸¦æ˜¯å¦å¤§å°å¤´ï¼›

Check the belt size of the head;


Whether the toelectric switch has dust;


After sanding, the plate appears wave pattern


Check the panel for rough edges

Â æ£€æŸ¥ç ‚å¸¦æŽ¥å¤´æ˜¯å¦è¿‡åŽšï¼› Â

Check if the belt joint is too thick;

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Check the equipment for vibration and screw loosening;


Whether the v-belt is too loose and skid;

(5ï¼‰æ¿ææ‰“ç£¨ä¸è¾¾æ ‡ï¼š

The plate was not polished to standard

Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â æ£€æŸ¥ç ‚å¸¦æ˜¯å¦è€åŒ–ï¼›

Check the belt for aging


Whether the current pressure is too low; Â Â Â Â Â Â


The plate is sanded with a vertical straight p>Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ç ‚å¸¦æŽ‰ç ‚æˆ–ç¼ºç ‚ï¼›

The belt is free of sand or missing sand


There is foreign matter in the cots;


There is foreign matter in the conveyor belt;


The surface of the conveyor belt is defective;


Deformation of plates after polishing:

Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ç ‚å¸¦è€åŒ–ï¼›

Sand belt aging;


Excessive current pressure;


Plate conveying is skidding


The conveyor belt tightens too tight


The pressure of the roller is too loose


Poor dust absorptionÂ

Â å¸å°˜åˆ†æœºå£å µå¡žï¼›

The extension is blockedï¼› Â

æ–°ç ‚å¸¦æŽ‰ç ‚ä¸¥é‡ï¼›

The new belt is badly sandedï¼›


Air intake deformation;


 deviation of coil plate: loose edge of plate;


Uneven pressure of roller; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â

Â ç ‚å¸¦åŽ‹åŠ›ä¸å‡åŒ€ï¼›

Uneven belt pressure;


Maintenance and maintenance

轴承类Bearing types:


Clean and sweep dust and iron scraps every shift;

æ¯æ˜ŸæœŸåŠ æ³¨æ¶¦æ»‘æ²¹ï¼›

Replenishing the oil weekly;


Check, repair or replace (to avoid damage to other parts);

 输送带Conveyor belt:


Clean and sweep dust, iron scraps (surface and inner surface) for each class.


Inspect the belt tightness per shift;

电  机Electric machine:


Clean and sweep dust and iron scraps every shift.


Keep an eye on the oil surface of the lubricant;

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Inspect the elastic of the triangle belt every shift to avoid damage or influence the sanding effect;

电器件Electric parts:


Clean and remove dust, iron scraps, etc. per shift (to avoid short circuit connection);

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Check whether the electrical connector is loose every shift to avoid affecting normal operation;


Pneumatic components:


Clean and remove dust, iron scraps, etc. per shift (to avoid short circuit connection);



Check the filtration of water in the air passage, remove the water in the air passage in time, so as not to affect itUse of pneumatic components;Check the oil quantity of the lubricating oil in the joint and keep reasonable oil quantity at all times.


Product list

【1ã€‘å¹²å¼ç£¨ç ‚æœº  dry sander

【2】金属板表面拉丝机  Metal surface achine

【3】覆膜机贴膜机  Laminating machine

   普通覆膜机 Common mulch machine

   自动覆膜机 Automatic laminating machine

   覆膜起鼓机 Mulch drum machine

【4】打磨去毛刺机 Polish the deburring machine

【5】升降平台  Lift platform

【6】送料(输送)平台  Feeding (conveying) platform

【7】送料架子  Feeding shelf

【8】地架  Ground plane

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