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TongKat Ali (Essence Extract)

  • Origin: Singapore
  • Location: Malaysia
  • Supply Type: oem service
  • Min Order: 50

Supplier Info.

  • Company Name 201529667E
  • Membership:Free
  • Business Type: Distributor/Wholesaler
  • Location Malaysia
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“天然纯” 东革阿里。100%çº¯ä¸œå“¥é˜¿é‡Œæˆåˆ†ï¼Œä¸æ˜¯å«æœ‰æœ¨æ‚çš„ã€‚æœ‰æ–°åŠ å¡ç§‘å­¦å«ç”Ÿå±€æ£€æµ‹æŠ¥å‘Šã€‚æ— å‰¯ä½œç”¨ã€‚1.促進自身睾酮分泌,達4.4倍,促進人體二次發育;2.保持強勁的精力,緩解情緒低落和抑鬱情緒,緩解壓力;3.改善前列腺炎 - 東革阿里可以提高人體睾酮水平,增強人的性腺功能,並利用其獨特的抗菌和抗炎成分,作用於人體的性腺,達到消除前列腺炎的目的。4.æ¸…é™¤æ¿•æ½¤æ¸¾æ¿çš„è…Žè‡Ÿï¼Œæ¸…é™¤è…Žè‡Ÿï¼ŒåŠ å¼·è…Žè‡Ÿï¼Œé¡¯è‘—æ”¹å–„è…ŽåŠŸèƒ½;5.æé«˜ç²¾å­ç”¢é‡å’Œè³ªé‡ï¼Œå¢žåŠ ç¹æ®–åŠ›ï¼ˆåœ¨å‹•ç‰©ç ”ç©¶ä¸­ï¼Œé›„æ€§å¾Œä»£å¢žåŠ 3倍)6.修復和滋養性腺,生殖系統,緩解前列腺炎症狀7. åŠ å¼·äººé«”è¡€æ¶²å¾ªç’°å’Œæ–°é™³ä»£è¬ï¼Œæ”¹å–„å…§åˆ†æ³Œç³»çµ±ï¼Œå¢žè‡ªèº«å…ç–«åŠŸèƒ½;8. å°ç³–å°¿ç—…ï¼Œé«˜è¡€å£“ï¼Œé¢¨æ¿•ï¼Œç—›é¢¨ï¼Œé ­ç—›æœ‰é¡¯è‘—ç™‚æ•ˆ;9. 延年益壽,抗氧化,抗衰老,改善心理記憶力;10. 降低心髒病,心肌梗塞和阿爾茨海默病的風險;11. 明顯推遲更年期;12. 提高人體免疫力,增強體質,消除疲勞 - 東革阿里含有一種抗氧化酶(Antioxidant Enzyme),可以抵消對身體有害的自由基的連鎖反應。13. 改善痛風 - 東革阿里含有一種名為Probeecec 的天然植物成分,可以有效調節人體內分泌並抑制尿酸的合成,使尿酸不會在人體關節,軟骨,軟組織等14. å¢žå¼·ç”·æ€§çš„æ€§æ…¾å’Œèƒ½é‡ï¼Œå¼·åŒ–è…Žè‡Ÿï¼ŒåŠ å¼·é™½æ°£ç”·äººä¸ºä»€ä¹ˆä¼šæ„Ÿè§‰ä¹åŠ›ç–²ç´¯ï¼Ÿä¸€èˆ¬ç”·äººå¹´è¿‡ä¸‰åï¼Œè‚¾ç²¾å°±ä¼šé€æ¸å‡å°‘ï¼Œå¹³è¡¡è¢«æ‰“ç ´ï¼Œå‡ºçŽ°è‚¾è™šã€‚è‹¥é•¿æœŸæŠ½çƒŸã€å–é…’ã€ç†¬å¤œç­‰ä¸è‰¯çš„ç”Ÿæ´»ä¹ æƒ¯ï¼Œè‚¾è™šåŠ é‡ã€‚æœ€æ˜Žæ˜¾çš„æ„Ÿè§‰æ˜¯ï¼šæ¯å¤©æ„Ÿè§‰å¾ˆç´¯ï¼Œè…°é…¸èƒŒç—›ã€å‡ºè™šæ±—ã€æ†‹ä¸ä½å°¿ã€å°¿é¢‘ã€å°¿æ€¥ã€å¤«å¦»ç”Ÿæ´»æ›´æ˜¯åŠ›ä¸ä»Žå¿ƒã€‚è¦è§£å†³è¿™äº›é—®é¢˜ï¼Œè¡¥å……è‚¾æ°”è‚¾ç²¾ç»¼åˆè°ƒç†æ˜¯å…³é”®â€¼ï¸æ¯ç“¶å”®ä»·58元,一瓶可以消费一个月。它需要1-2个月不断消耗才能看到效果。请注意,这是一种有效的事保养品而非药物。您可以在线订购了解详细信息并立即下订单。

Singapore “Natural Pure” Tongkat Ali is a proven traditional traditional herb which extract from root. It help improve body health and well know for improve men erectile dysfunction and strengthen men libido and enhance the ability. Purely Natural and NO SIDE EFFECT!!! HSA Tested!!! Take note, this is not a drug. Benefit :1. Promote the secretion of by itself, up to 4.4 times, and promote the secondary development of the human body;2. Maintain strong energy, relieve depression and depression, and relieve stress;3. Improve prostatitis - Tongkat Ali can improve human levels, enhance human gonad function, and use its unique antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredients to act on the human gonads to achieve the purpose of eliminating prostatitis.4. Remove the wet and turbid kidneys, clear the kidneys, strengthen the kidneys, and significantly improve kidney function;5. Improve sperm yield and quality, increase fertility (in animal studies, male offspring increased by 3 times)6. Repair and nourish the gonads, reproductive system, relieve symptoms of prostatitis7. Strengthen blood circulation and metabolism, improve endocrine system, and increase autoimmune function;8. Has a significant effect on diabetes, high blood pressure, rheumatism, gout, headache;9. Longevity, anti-oxidation, anti-aging, improve psychological memory;10. Reduce the risk of heart disease, myocardial infarction and Alzheimer's disease;11. Significant postponement of menopause;12. Improve human immunity, enhance sical fitness, and eliminate fatigue - Tongkat Ali contains an antioxidant enzyme that counteracts the chain reaction of free radicals harmful to the body.13. Improve Gout - Tongkat Ali contains a natural botanical ingredient called Probecec, which can effectively regulate the secretion of human body and inhibit the synthesis of uric acid, so that uric acid will not be in human joints, cartilage, soft tissue, etc.14. Enhance male sexual desire and energy, strengthen the kidneys, strengthen YangWhy do men feel tired ?Generally, when a man is over 30 years old, the kidney essence will gradually decrease, the balance will be broken, and kidney deficiency will occur. If you have long-term smoking, drinking, staying up late and other bad habits, kidney deficiency is aggravated.Feel very tired every day, backache, sweating, urinating, frequent urination, urgency, and husband and wife life is even more difficult. To solve these problems, supplementing kidney and kidney essence is the key to comprehensive conditioning!! ️
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