Showing 266 Sorghum Product(s) from leading Supplier(s)


Sorghum Extract

World-way Biotech Inc.

  • Country: China    

Mancozeb Fungicide

Npk Fertilizer

Wesco International Ltd

  • Country: Ukraine    




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Find Sorghum Manufacturers & Suppliers is providing our customers a medium to do trade at a worldwide level and expand their business globally. Sorghum is one the top five cereal crops in the world. Sorghum is a multipurpose crop that is grown as a grain, sweet crop and forage. It grew tall like corn and is multi-purposely used other than sweetening. Grain sorghum is found in multiple shapes and sizes; there are various types of sorghum like red, orange, tan, bronze, black and white colored. Traditionally grown sorghum are orange, red and bronze and are used in all segments of Sorghum industry, whereas the white, tan and cream colored sorghum are made into flours. Sorghum has some health benefits like it prevents certain type of cancer, improves digestive system, builds bones strong, boost energy, promote red blood cell development and fuel production. There are more than 30 different species of sorghum, and it is only harvested for human consumption while others are mainly used as animal fodder.