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How to Find Buyers for Your Export Products

Finding buyers for your business is the most challenging for any company. When you plan to run a business, the goal is to make it available to a large number of audiences; locally and internationally as well.

Supposedly when someone is starting an international trade, they are more focused on a large-scale import-export of goods. Hence, here comes the most complicated part: finding buyers if you run a multinational corporation.

Furthermore, no company can survive if there is no one to buy from, it is like constructing a building in a remote area where there is no population. The whole point of standing a business is to grab potential buyers from all over the globe. But this is not as easy as it seems, a lot of effort, the right marketing methods, and sleepless nights; together make a business stand tall in the crowd.

So, if you are one of those businesses looking for buyers to export your goods all over the globe, this blog is for you. Let’s get started with it;

Some Best Methods To Find Online Buyers

There is no better way than finding buyers online. The larger the business is expanded across the digital platforms, the greater the outcome. However, it requires extensive research and a large number of gathered data on audiences present on online platforms.

Since the goal is to find buyers for the export goods, it is better to look for;

  • Business-To-Business Platforms
  • Social Media Networks
  • Business-To-Business Websites
  • Email Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Online Marketplaces
  • Advertisements
  • Google Ads
  • Third-Party Agencies

This was just a quick takeaway to get a gist of the platforms. Let’s dive into the details;

Business-To-Business Platforms- Top 5 to Consider

Let’s look at some of the B2B platforms that can help you find thousands of potential buyers from all over the world.

1. eWorldTrade

Starting with one of the leading B2B platforms in the United States, with more than 500,000 potential and verified buyers. All the merchants are licensed traders so eventually, it makes the platform a trusted B2B company.

So, connect with global buyers by simply joining the company. When you fill out the form, you are straightway getting 10 free buyer inquiries which will eventually increase the sales up to 10 times. Hence, eWorldTrade aims to connect businesses with verified buyers allowing them to expand the network globally.

In addition to this, your export goods are not just advertised among the verified buyers but on all the social media platforms as well. All of this is included in their premium memberships making business operations seamless and hassle-free.

To sum up, as an export business, you will be embracing thousands of buyers without having to spend thousands of dollars on marketing.

2. eBay

Another B2B platform to look for is eBay, explore verified buyers and boost your sales. Join eBay as a business partner and get started. eBay offers a wide range of tools and features to help you grow your B2B sales and reach a global audience.

Businesses at eBay do not run after buyers, instead, they are attracted to the promotional offers that are set by promotion managers.

Hence, their ready-to-use marketing tools let businesses promote their products on a large scale.

3. Amazon

Thirdly, there is Amazon, a name every business has heard of. There are around two to three million buyers that are actively purchasing export goods.

Associating your business with Amazon means that you’re signing a lifetime success contract. The platform covers all the necessary steps to allow business owners to be stress-free.

4. Alibaba

Alibaba cannot be left behind when it comes to top B2B platforms. A Chinese company with millions of business partners featured from all over the globe.

Moreover, Alibaba is also offering the best SEO strategies to expand the export network of all their business network.

Also, Alibaba has managed to grow around 30% of buyers annually from all over North and Latin America, Europe, and Asia.

Besides the platform has over 100 million registered buyers waiting to embrace your export business products.

5. Global Sources

Last on the list is Global Sources, another popular B2B platform offering a VIP buyer community for businesses associated with them. Their unmatched services are globally renowned with more than one million active buyers.

This platform aims to connect global businesses with licensed buyers making sure export operations are done seamlessly. So, if your business represents from Asian borders then wait no more and join them for best buyers across the globe.

Now that the B2B and e-commerce platforms are covered, let’s explore the wonders of social media networks.

A Strong Presence On Social Media Platforms

Social media is the key to success if utilized for the right purpose. For businesses, it is doing wonders


No matter how many more social media platforms come into existence, Facebook will still dominate them.

One of the most engaging and active platforms of all. There are millions of users and buyers are active throughout the day. There is a whole buyer community actively posting for products they need to buy from worldwide exporters.

What more can an export business ask for? So, businesses can create a separate page or join groups targeting the right audiences. Whether your business is operated in Europe, Asia, Australia, or North America. You just have to target the right group and propose an offer to the buyers in search of your products.


So far LinkedIn has been used to explore jobs and companies, but there is more to the picture. This network can be used to attract a large group of buyers from across the world.

Building a relationship with other businesses on LinkedIn is easy, all it takes is to be original and sincere with your company. Using a LinkedIn email finder can also help in identifying and connecting with potential leads more effectively.

  • All it takes is to craft a compelling profile that highlights your business proposition.
  • Next, connect with millions of buyer connections. You need to figure out the right audience on LinkedIn. Research the target audience well and turn your connections into buyers.
  • Search buyers by filtering them according to the companies.
  • Follow the profiles that match your proposition, and approach them with a good offer.
  • Post about your products; upload captivating pictures, and add attractive descriptions of the products.
  • Make the most of the word-of-mouth strategy and you are good to go.


Not to miss Quora, a unique platform to promote your business with millions of visitors available online. It’s all about how you are offering your products here, buyers are attracted to businesses that are completely transparent with them.

Since it’s a Q&A platform, make sure your business is giving off the right message for your brand. That is why Communication is called the key to success.


Instagram is used by billions of people worldwide, and over 200 million businesses are running successfully.

This platform is all about how you represent your business digitally. There is a certain algorithm to follow to make sure the business gets enough engagement.

Moreover, after creating the business account, get it verified and make the most of hashtags. Use Instagram SEO to write an eye-catching caption with the right targeted keywords. It will transform the whole game of engagement and will bring your business account to the top, so, the products you have to offer will show up.

Marketing; Email Marketing

How do you think the businesses collaborate and stay in contact with each other? Emails are used as a way of effective communication tool. Exporters all over the world can engage with international and local buyers through email marketing as well.

It is a strategy used by millions of export businesses to target potential buyers with exclusive offers. All they have to do is research the buyers interested in the goods the business has to propose. Next, a creatively crafted email focused on product quality, amount, and bulk discounts is sent all over the place.

Hence, these emails are being sent to all the foreign traders and wholesale distributors interested in buying export goods in large quantities.

To be precise, the more effectively you deliver the brand’s message the greater the impact on the sales.

A Business Website

The world is transforming, and so is the digital realm of business operations. So, for a business looking forward to meeting buyers globally, a website becomes a must-have.

It doesn’t cost much to get a business website; all it takes is to be as creative with the content and SEO strategies to reach a large number of audiences.

Hence, with the right content marketing, an export business website will gather organic reach and will pop up when the buyers are looking for the products a business website has.


To end the blog, this was all about how exporters can look for potential buyers across the globe. There are some top B2B websites mentioned to be taken into account. Apart from that, some free-of-cost methods are also mentioned to enlarge the web of your business network.

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    * To achieve our mission we provide all the necessary functionalities to buyers and sellers that help them in developing the voice of their business and to expand worldwide.