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How to Find the Best Wholesale Apparel Suppliers In 2024

How to Find the Best Wholesale Apparel Suppliers In 2023

If you’re looking to start a clothing business, finding the best wholesale apparel suppliers is crucial. With so many suppliers out there, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your needs. In 2023, the clothing industry is likely to be more competitive than ever, and finding the right supplier can help you stay ahead of the game. In this guide, we’ll provide you with tips and strategies to help you find the best wholesale clothing vendors to suit your business needs. From researching wholesale apparel vendors to negotiating prices, we’ll cover everything you need to know to make an informed decision and build a successful apparel business.

In order to sell hundreds and billions of products to people around the world, wholesale is convenient. eCommerce platforms are very helpful in finding and connecting to wholesalers. Also, the wholesale trade is growing at a greater rate than before. The industry is now worth trillions of dollars making it a preferred mode of trade.

The industry is becoming competitive as more and more people are joining in. Businesses that are not into designing or producing but look for ready-made designs, and products to sell, it is a decent option for them. The internet has plenty of options on wholesale options, but finding a reliable supplier can be challenging.

Best Wholesale Apparel Suppliers

A Look into Wholesale Supplier Industry

The word wholesale refers to selling goods and commodities in large quantities. It follows the practice of purchasing in bulk from other manufacturers, or distributors to sell the consumers. The model can include products from every industry, from electronics to apparel.

Looking at the global wholesale market, The Business Research Company, market grew from $45,672.52 to $48,883.25 in 2023. Also, it is going to benefit many countries whether they are developed or developing driving their economy.

Many businesses find themselves underwater when it comes to sourcing products. Therefore, whether you are a manufacturer or a retailer it is not easy to find a wholesale supplier. This content helps readers discover how to find suppliers and develop an eCommerce business for your business.

What is Wholesale Clothing?

A wholesale apparel supplier is a business that handles shipments for manufacturers, they usually have a warehouse with a distribution channel and ship the goods directly to the customers. Wholesale suppliers are directly connected with manufacturers of the products sold and delivered. often suppliers ask, how do I buy direct from factory help? Well, buying directly gives numerous advantages.

Apparel Wholesale Suppliers

Before going ahead, wholesale clothing is not an entirely new term. Some businesses are not good at designing clothes or are only a manufacturer. So, it is an aspiring option available for them as they are more likely to source readymade apparel. These apparel designs need to meet customer needs. Also, it is important to understand the common model of the retail model,

  1. Manufacturers – The business that produces the goods.
  2. Wholesalers – The middle party is between the retailer and the manufacturer.
  3. Retailers – The companies that sell to consumers.

The apparel industry is one of the industries, whether you are looking for t-shirts, pants or any other kind of women’s and men clothing it is an ideal way to secure low prices. This allows using the markup of your choice. Secondly, there are models considered for wholesale suppliers, some wholesale suppliers sell to retailers in both online and offline stores.

  • What is the average markup for wholesale apparel?

Buying and selling of wholesale apparel takes place in different seasons. Summer clothes are usually brought in winter. This gives the manufacturer time to take orders, manufacture and deliver to the wholesaler. So, once the order is received by the retailer the markup goes beyond the original price. Typically, the markup is more than 200%.

Do You Need An Apparel Wholesale Supplier?

When you are in the need of wholesale clothing supplier, you need to figure out whether you want to pursue with an international or domestic wholesale supplier. But it is always better to choose overseas suppliers. Moreover, there are plenty of benefits to working with a wholesale clothing supplier.

Lower Prices

Wholesales do not ask for a hefty amount rather they believe in dealing in volumes. So, you can expect to purchase goods at competitive prices. But if you are going to buy goods in smaller quantities do not expect them to receive at low prices. Mostly, wholesale suppliers sell at low prices but you have to offer some value to them.

Better Profit Margins

One of the best opportunities is to earn profits. Often people ask, what is the profit margin for wholesale clothing? If you get your products at a comparatively lower process then you have the opportunity to earn some profits.

Access To A Bigger Market At A Place

Now, in the traditional market, you have to visit market to market to find clothes. But now wholesale suppliers have eased the process and they are connected to a lot of manufacturers. So, businesses that are interested in purchasing from wholesale suppliers have a great collection to choose from.

Packs And Delivers

One of the perks to enjoy is their assembling of products. Typically, a wholesaler buys in bulk from manufacturers or distributors. After purchasing the stock and keep goods according to size, weight, shape and quality. Some wholesales look throughout the process by splitting them into lots. So, before it goes out, they pack, merchandise, and deliver.

Active Members of The Market

In an e-commerce market and trends and keeping foresee of the market. They keep an update on everything from changes in retail, consumer tastes, buyer patterns, and buying power, and compare processes. This extensive knowledge helps them to give better advice to retailers.

How do I find direct clothing suppliers?

How to source clothes wholesale? Here is what needs to be solved.


1.      Trade shows

If you are looking to work with local and international wholesales, then trade shows are a superb way to discover them. A trade show is where manufacturers and distributors display their products. Retailers and wholesalers are allowed to ask any query related to products.

In these trade events, special discounts are also offered and it sometimes is great for new wholesalers and retailers. So, always look out for platforms and websites that conduct trade shows which is essential for wholesale apparel suppliers.

2.      Google Searches

Google does not recognize outdated websites and is left behind. But often suppliers do not keep their websites updated, and it becomes tricky to find them. Due to Google’s constant updates in algorithms, they are overlooked.  It results in an unoptimized website and that is why you need to make comprehensive research.

You can find many tools that may help you in finding wholesale suppliers. Other than that, Google also has an option for additional searches. These help in refining search results and to you what you need.

3.      Social Media Groups

Social media has always been a top platform for every business need. Whenever social media comes in between it brings different perks to everyone. In this case, social media is a powerful platform for finding suppliers.

On Facebook and other social media platforms, there are groups that connect manufacturers with suppliers. Facebook business groups allow one to excess and build a community and create connections. You can also find suppliers through WhatsApp and Telegram groups.

4.      Directories

Directories are an easy way to find wholesalers to source apparel. A directory is a list of wholesale suppliers where their relevant information is available. Some eCommerce platforms have great options to check products through the directory.

5.      Online eCommerce platforms

Online eCommerce is one of the efficient ways to connect and trade with suppliers. To increase the global reach for your apparel brand, b2b fashion ecommerce platform help you to grow as a wholesaler. There are several marketplaces that are available for B2B trade. Among them, eWorldTrade is one name to look out for. The websites usually have verified and credible suppliers and manufacturers available on the platform. Users can easily search for apparel by simply typing keywords in the search bar.

6.      References and testimonials

References and testimonials work best in the interest of businesses and manufacturers. They are a gateway to explain the authenticity of the supplier. Suppliers who are on eCommerce platforms already have their reviews and testimonials posted. Thus, it helps in recognizing their credibility.

References are also another important factor that helps to see if the supplier is credible. Businesses that have already worked with suppliers can refer them to others and build a strong community of trusted suppliers and businesses. You can ask for references through local networks like:

  • Manufacturer Associate
  • Commerce department
  • Clubs
  • Business Cooperatives

What To Consider When Comparing Apparel Suppliers?

While searching for an apparel wholesale supplier for your business, some points need to be taken into consideration. These factors affect your trade with them. So, here is what you need to look at.

  • Their references are from other consumers who have sued their services
  • Liability insurance certificate
  • Return policy
  • All the verification certificates and documents
  • Their tracking system of products
  • Shipment time and mode

Where Do Online Clothing Stores Get Their Clothes? 7 Online E-commerce Platforms To Consider

Can anyone buy from a wholesale store? Yes, anyone who is a wholesale supplier can buy from online stores. When you are ready to buy good quality and legitimate you need to move to look for platforms that welcome business. Sometimes finding a good supplier can be a frantic process. Here are some platforms to keep in mind. If you think, where Shein gets their clothes from? This list can help you.

1.      eWorldTrade

Coming to eWorldTrade they are among the top platforms for wholesale suppliers in apparel. The platform is for small businesses and experts, who seek to join a credible platform in B2B. eWorldTrade is created for convenience for its users whether they are new or old clients.

If you wonder, where do fast fashion companies get their clothes from? They get it from eWorldTrade. Hence, it is noted as a top choice for manufacturers as well as businesses. To join eWorldTrade there are no strict rules.

2.      Clothing Supplier

It is an astounding platform for women’s apparel that facilitates every kind. They have now also added another category for men’s outerwear, undergarments, knitwear and accessories. Clothing Supplier is a world-known platform and has the capability of delivering to clients around the world. Among many businesses, this platform is stated to be affordable.

3.      Made in China

Made-in-China is an authentic name among global suppliers and manufacturers. They are an all-rounder platform that deals in apparel from around the world. The platform is categorized into different sections which makes it easier for businesses to find apparel of their liking. Each of the categorized products has its description, price, quantity and delivery time.

4.      Buy Wholesale Clothing

Another of the list that is created for wholesale apparel is Buy Wholesale Clothing. They also offer a wide range of women’s and children’s apparel. Users can join the platforms without any complications and get connected with businesses. On their platform, they are associated with some of the based businesses from LA.

5.      Bloom Wholesale

Bloom Wholesale is a good option for anyone who is in need of women’s clothing. The platform is created to cater needs of people of every size. Also, the platform deals in accessories from different brands. It is a decent platform for any entity.

The platform promises to provide its customers with industry-leading customer service.  Since there are upgrades in business models, Bloom Wholesale provides with dropshipping option. Bloom Wholesale does not stay behind in fashion and keeps an updated wardrobe on its platform.

6.      CC Wholesale Clothing

Another name that specializes in dropshipping is CC Wholesale Clothing. The platform is unique in its services and sells standard-sized clothes and accessories. They are known to be a fashion hub for clothing and suppliers. The platform is created to make sure all business needs and necessities are fulfilled.

CC Wholesale Clothing caters to an international audience and has kept a minimum order of $100. The platform also has moved to dropshipping and getting an eCommerce site for the latter at $99.

7.      Boulevard Apparel

Boulevard Apparel was created as a wholesale platform for men and women. The platform offers a great discount to its users as their main focus is on acquiring merchandise. Being an international platform, they have great deals for partnerships with businesses.  Boulevard Apparel also buys clothes at a cheaper price and savings are given to the clients.

  • Does Amazon do wholesale clothing?

Among many platforms, Amazon is also an online eCommerce buying and selling platform. Amazon has three popular types of suppliers’ wholesale suppliers, manufacturers, and dropship suppliers. It is an incredible place for wholesale with numerous benefits.

  • What is the cheapest way to label clothing?

The least expensive way to label clothing is by using a laundry marker or colorful fabric market.

How Much Does It Cost to Start A Clothing Line?

If you are a business and you already have read about finding wholesalers and finding platforms, now you may give some thought to the cost of starting a clothing line. It is among the final major step in creating a business.

If you think of starting a small business you would need $600. For medium-sized businesses, you would need between $1,000 to $6,000. And for a large business, the cost may vary up to 50,000.

The cost to start any business depends on multiple factors. These factors may bring up or may bring down the price. If you are passionate and eager to build a successful apparel business, then you need a lot of investment.

Can You Put Your Own Label on Wholesale Clothes?

The answer is yes. It is legal to label wholesale clothes if you abide by certain parameters and clearly understand what the manufacturer thinks about reselling their products. Many clothing label makers in the market can help you get a custom tag for this wholesale clothing range.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a clothing vendor?

Here are some steps that can help you in becoming a clothing vendor.

  • Start by researching
  • Get to know your audience
  • Choose your niche
  • Register your business
  • Have a marketing strategy
  • Price the products
  • Distribute products

Do you need a trademark to sell clothes?

Yes, you need to have a trademark. Whether you are a new business or opening a business, you need to register.

What is wholesale clothing vendors?

A wholesale clothing vendor is also a type of trade where apparel in bulk is sold at a lower cost that is lower than retail.

Can I buy clothes in bulk for resale?

If you provide a registered business name, a license and a verified status then you can buy clothes in bulk for resale.

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