Gum Manufacturers & Suppliers connects you with buyers and suppliers from all over the world. Since from the Stone Age chewing gum is with us, at that time chicle gum was made from the extract of the Sapodilla Tree. Most of the modern gums are made by a synthetic equivalent, a rubbery material which is known as Polyisobutylene. Gums come in various shape, sizes and flavors. It is made from flavoring, food-coloring, and water soluble sweeteners. Our suppliers are getting us basic types of chewing gums like sugar-free gum, bubble gum, ball gum, center-filled gum, stick gum, ribbon gum, tab gum, wrap gum, functional gum, tube gum, medicated gum and nicotine gum. Whereas the most popular flavors of gum are watermelon, strawberry, peppermint, wintergreen, lemon, blueberry, spearmint, cinnamon, sour apple, cherry, mint licorice, grape and orange. There are some health benefits of gum that includes that it improve wakefulness, improves concentration and memory, it boosts memory, protects teeth, reduces acid reflux and heartburn, fights stress and anxiety, improves eating habits,  battles nausea, helps smokers in quitting cigarette, soothes ear pain during flights and improves bad breathe.