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Where To Sell Breast Pump Online in the USA


A breast pump is an essential item for any breastfeeding mother, and being able to sell your breast pump online can increase convenience and save time. Online marketplaces offer a variety of different options for selling your breast pump, from popular e-commerce platforms like eWorldTrade, Amazon, and eBay to specialty websites that focus solely on baby products. As such, it is important for mothers to know where to find a quality breast pump at an affordable price.

To help you get started, here is our list of the top 10 marketplaces for buying and selling breast pumps online in the USA.

1.   eWorldTrade

eWorldTrade is an ideal platform for sellers looking to maximize profits when selling breast pumps online in the USA. It offers low fees, with no listing costs and only a 10% commission charged once an item is sold. The powerful search engine and extensive category system make it easy for buyers to find what they’re looking for, while features such as customer ratings and reviews help sellers build trust with potential buyers.

eWorldTrade also provides a range of tools to help sellers manage their stores, including automated order fulfillment and analytics for tracking performance. Additionally, sellers benefit from eWorldTrade’s global reach, with buyers from over 200 countries visiting the site every day. With its low-cost fees and a great selection of features, eWorldTrade is an excellent choice for those looking to sell breast pumps online in the USA.

2.   Etsy

Etsy is a popular marketplace for handmade, vintage, and unique items such as breast pumps. It offers product listings with good exposure and allows you to create your own shop profile. You have to pay $0.20 per item listing plus additional transaction fees of 5% on each sale you make.

Etsy is an excellent platform for selling breast pumps online in the USA. It provides a range of features that make it easy to market your products and reach potential buyers. With Etsy, you have access to powerful search algorithms that help customers find what they’re looking for quickly, while detailed product listings help you showcase your items.

3.   Amazon

Amazon is the largest online marketplace in the world with millions of buyers visiting it every day looking for items ranging from electronics to breast pumps. Selling on Amazon allows you to reach large audiences that may not be available elsewhere, however, the fees are quite high compared to many other platforms (approx 15-20%).

4.   eBay

eBay is a well-known auction site and is a good option for selling breast pumps. You can list your product with basic information such as title, description, photos, etc. and buyers will bid on the item for a certain price. The fees for listing an item are quite low, however, you will have to pay a commission once the item is sold (approx 10%).

5.   Walmart

Walmart Marketplace is one of the most popular platforms for selling items online in the USA. It allows sellers to create their own store pages and also offers fulfillment services that make it easier to manage orders and shipping. You will have to pay a fee of 15% plus $0.40 per order when you sell an item through this platform.

6.   Jet

Jet offers a platform for sellers to list their items and make them available to millions of potential customers. It is quite competitive when it comes to pricing, however, the fees are relatively low compared to other platforms (approx. 10%).

7.   Rakuten

Rakuten is another great marketplace for selling breast pumps in the USA. The site offers several features such as product reviews, customer ratings, etc. that make it easier for buyers to find your product. There are no listing fees on this platform but you will have to pay commissions once an item is sold (15-20%).

8.   Shopify

Shopify is one of the best e-commerce platforms that allows you to create your own online store with its easy-to-use dashboard and templates. It offers a wide range of features like payment processing, analytics, etc., and also charges a monthly fee (from $29/month).

9.   Newegg Marketplace

Newegg Marketplace is one of the most popular platforms for selling items in the USA. It offers great exposure to buyers as well as good customer support services that make it easier to manage orders and shipping. There are no listing fees but you will have to pay commissions once an item is sold (15-20%).

10. Craigslist

Craigslist is mainly a classifieds website and is another good option for selling breast pumps in the USA. It is free to list items on this platform, however, you will have to handle the shipping and payment process yourself.


These are some of the best marketplaces to sell breast pumps online in the USA. Each marketplace offers different features that make it easier for sellers to reach out to buyers and also make profits from their business. You can choose one or more of these platforms depending on your needs and budget.

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