Showing 1 EPS Recycling Machine Product(s) from leading Supplier(s)


  • Country: Taiwan, China    
  • Revenue: US$5 Million - US$10 Million
  • Export Percent: 91% - 100%
  • Established: 1994

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Extended polystyrene or EPS is an airy material that is made up of 2% plastic and 98% air. It is one of the most lightweight materials in its related group. It is often referred to as the packing foam that is used as the packaging of delicate and heavy items, particularly electronic goods. It's also a recyclable material that can be recycled completely. Its manufacturing doesn't consume much fuel or energy. EPS is a perfect alternative to the available natural resources. Using EPS can reduce the fuel consumption during the transportation of goods. Transporting heavy articles that are wrapped with EPS reduces the fuel cost by 40 percent. EPS recycling machines are widely used by agencies that are working for the sustainment of environment. Many manufacturers collect EPS waste from different sources and then reproduce it. EPS recycling machines are made to be efficient, energy saving and less space consuming. If you want to purchase EPS recycling machines and components, eWorldTrade can help. Above is a comprehensive list of companies that manufacture EPS recycling machines and equipment for recycling EPS and other recyclable products.