Http://Eng.Foods001.Com/ Buyer and Importer

Launched in 1999, is an online B2B marketplace that brings together buyers and sellers from around the globe. The website provides a stable and effective platform for businesses to advertise and locate companies and products throughout the world. With several years' development, based on the Chinese edition, now sets up four language editions in English, Japanese, Korean and Russian. We offer you various kinds of services, such as offering you the latest food industry news, publishing the importing and exporting information in the food industry all over the world. At the same time, we also arrange the detail data of the food companies in China and other countries for you to inquire, so that you can know more about global enterprises.We achieved that because we understand the needs of businesses. Our services are free, simple to use, and work. They include an automatic homepage generator for unlimited postings of product images and descriptions; automated cross-posting and search engine listing of offers to buy/sell and practical online management tools. Show More

  • Posted On:06 Jun, 2024
  • Company Name:Show
  • Contact Number:Show
  • Purchaser:Mr. Nancy


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