Showing 731 Meat Product(s) from leading Supplier(s)

Durian Chips - Snack

Taiwan Chews Time Co., Ltd.

  • Country: Taiwan, China    

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Meat Wholesalers, Manufacturers & Companies

With a level of consumption far superior to the rest of the food groups, meat is one of the dishes most appreciated by consumers. Meat is a food rich in protein and fat. All types of meat have a similar protein composition, and what sets it apart is the quality of their fat. In this sense, the more saturated the fats of the meat, the less healthy it is for health. Meat as food is an excellent source of essential amino acids and, to a lesser extent, also certain vitamins, mainly group B, and minerals. The great classification in the world of the meats is that which divides these foods into red and white meats. The former would include beef, lamb or beef, while the latter would include pork, fish, chicken, turkey or other birds. Meat is usually available throughout the globe. However, if you’re looking for a large supply of a specific kind of meat that is not available in your locality, eWorldTrade brings the suppliers of meat closer to you. Whether you want cattle meat, goat meat, chicken, or fish meat, we reliable suppliers and distributors above that you can choose from and buy high-quality meat at affordable prices from these suppliers.