Dear Seller, We are to import ing company based in Austria. Our company is interested to order Turkish Delight Atom Cezerye-Lokum. we kindly ask you to send us the information about the product of the followings specifications: product Type, Color, Shelf Life, How long would it take to get my order to Austria? looking forward to hearing from you. regard With Show More...
Hi- I am possibly interested in selling Lokum in the US. I want to know the following: 1. How many varieties of Lokum do you sell? 2. What is the minimum order shipped to US (or if not coming direct from Turkey, where is the US supplier located)? 3. I would like 500 gram package. 4. Can you send pictures of product a Show More...
I am looking for a supplier who can prov Lokum from Turkey delight should contain pistachio with deffrent taypes Show More...
Dear, We are looking for a supplier who can prov Lokum from Turkey if you can do that please drop a quote with 300KG include shipping cost to Saudi Arabia. Show More...
Hello im interested in His PRODUCTS keyfi lokumme gustaria date luxury DETAILS more i expecting your reply. iii greetings, iangel castillejo Show More...