Please offer Price of a solution Machine for below requirement. Our Requirement: We need a Double Dimension circular saw OR 2 or 4 sD EDGE TRIMMING SAW MACHINE for cutting Trimming 2 or 4 Edges of our laminated sheets. Our product Densified laminated wood board, We will cut nolic cotton or nolic paper laminate sheets also. Finished size of board: 4 x 4, 5 x 5, 6 x 6, 4 x 8 (if possible 6 x 12) and other in mm as per customer.Thickness = 6 mm to 150 mm Rectangular Square shape to be cut in perfect right angles in various sizes from untrimmed boards. Trimming Margin may be 5.0 mm to 50 mm, average trimming margin is 25 mm , which is to be removed to get final sheet dimension from all four ss) Pressed sheets are made in all different sizes . Intermediate size in mm as per customer requirement of sheets, boards may also be required to be cut. Suggested Machine & Tools for cutting trimming is below: Tools(suggested by us Purchase or make one set to be prov machine ): TCT Scoring Saw Qty . 2 nos . ( To make slit approx 2.5 deep to avoormation on surface ) OD= 200 mm m No of bits- 24 Blank thickness = 6 mm TCT Main Saw Qty . 2 nos ( To cut Boards of different thickness) OD= 500 mm m No of bits- 64 72 Blank thickness = 4 mm Over all cutting thickness= 5mm 6mm Projection for saw cutting adjustable to suit Board thickness plus 15 mm extra. Machine( suggested by us): Double Dimension circular Saw Machine Heavy duty type (Two panel saw put parallel ) to following details:- 1. Two circular Main saw cutter followed by scoring saw to be prov suitable motors in cutter heads (suggest main saw motor 10HP ,scoring saw motor 1.5HP) both slel as cutting head in cover boxes. height of saws adjustable manually to fix as per cutting slitting requirements indiv 2. Cutter heads with box can be moved to adjusted as required cutting wBoth sover boxes should have proper dust collection arrangement and dust collectors. 4. For holding of board for cutting there should be rigtrolley with a table top , This table should be movable on rack and pinion in forward and backward direction on rail with adjustable speed ( suitable for cutting and free return) Movement of the table is between both cutter. 5. Laser light arrangement should be provachine which can give an utting he board . 6. Table top should have following provisions:- Table size may be 1000mm w700mm long and can carry load upto 2.5 ton. Table top should have 3 T slot parallel to length for clamping board work piece Table top should have sufficient vacuum cup ( Min 6) for fixing work piece. A vaccume pump Rev. compressor to be prov on off . free, and controllable movement of table on rail is to be provaccurate results. Vendor has to assure desired cutting speed without any black marks on edges and smooth finish . Right angle and references to be mounted on table top for perfect right angle trimming ( atleast after cutting 2 edges or making pieces) Board on table top can be raised 6 inches by some lever or any arrangement to call back after cutting to stock at start end . Facility will ease of handling . On table top there should be some arrangement to rotate heavy work piece manually on table itself to cut perpendicular edge . All other standards features and safety feature needed . Suggest above or your machine suitable for the WORK. Send offer with sketch , specs , features and price justifications. WE WILL APPRECIATE YOUR DESIGN MACHINE ALSO. SEND V PRICE ALL. Best Regards, Sanjay shrivastava