Processed Fruit Importers and Buyers

Showing 62300+ Processed Fruit Buying Lead(s) below

Inquiry About Face Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Thermometers, Disposable Gloves, First Aid Kits, Blood Tap

We are currently in the process of sourcing high-quality medical supplies for our new endeavor in and show more ...

  • Posted On:22-04-2024
  • Company Name:Show
  • Contact Number:Show
  • Purchaser:benjamin gorichanaz
  • Time of Validity1 Year
  • Preferred Payment Method:T/T

United States

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Face Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Thermometers, Disposable Gloves, First Aid Kits, Blood Pressure Monitors

We are currently in the process of sourcing high-quality medical supplies for our new endeavor in and show more ...

  • Posted On:17-04-2024
  • Company Name:Show
  • Contact Number:Show
  • Purchaser:benjamin gorichanaz
  • Time of Validity6 Months
  • Preferred Payment Method:T/T

United States

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Face Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Thermometers, Disposable Gloves, First Aid Kits, Blood Pressure Monitors

We are currently in the process of sourcing high-quality medical supplies for our new endeavor in and show more ...

  • Posted On:12-04-2024
  • Company Name:Show
  • Contact Number:Show
  • Purchaser:benjamin gorichanaz
  • Quantity RequiredMOQ Unit
  • Buying FrequencyMonthly
  • Time of Validity1 Month
  • Preferred Payment Method:T/T,PayPal

United States

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Dear, I am writing to you on behalf of Vidalis Import Export SRL, a company based in Cluj Napoca show more ...

  • Posted On:08-04-2024
  • Company Name:Show
  • Contact Number:Show
  • Purchaser:paul suciu
  • Quantity Required800 Cubic Meter
  • Buying FrequencySemi Annually
  • Destination Port CONSTANTA
  • Time of Validity1 Week
  • Preferred Payment Method:T/T,L/C


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Need Coffee etc

I need the following products for meat production, cooking, bar and restaurant: Sodium E 451 food Soy show more ...

  • Posted On:28-03-2024
  • Company Name:Show
  • Contact Number:Show
  • Purchaser:rivis shandor
  • Buying FrequencyQuarterly
  • Time of Validity3 Weeks
  • Preferred Payment Method:T/T,L/C


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Requirment for Hoodie, Sweatshirt, T-shirt

I trust this correspondence finds you in good health and high spirits. We, the ERASMUS TEXTILE RETAIL show more ...

  • Posted On:22-03-2024
  • Company Name:Show
  • Contact Number:Show
  • Purchaser:jevgenijs golubevs
  • Buying FrequencyQuarterly
  • Time of Validity1 Month
  • Preferred Payment Method:T/T,L/C


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Dates Supply

HelloI am looking to purchase black dates in India. Kindly share the RFQ and also pics and pricing so show more ...

  • Posted On:09-02-2024
  • Company Name:Show
  • Contact Number:Show
  • Purchaser:rakesh goyal
  • Buying FrequencyQuarterly
  • Time of Validity1 Year
  • Preferred Payment Method:T/T,L/C


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Looking for Dates

HelloI am looking to purchase black dates in India. Kindly share the RFQ and also pics and pricing so show more ...

  • Posted On:31-01-2024
  • Company Name:Show
  • Contact Number:Show
  • Purchaser:rakesh goyal
  • Buying FrequencyQuarterly
  • Time of Validity1 Year
  • Preferred Payment Method:T/T,L/C


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Looking for Dates

HelloI am looking to purchase black dates in India. Kindly share the RFQ and also pics and pricing show more ...

  • Posted On:29-01-2024
  • Company Name:Show
  • Contact Number:Show
  • Purchaser:rakesh goyal
  • Buying FrequencyQuarterly
  • Time of Validity1 Week
  • Preferred Payment Method:T/T,L/C


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Dates Supply

HelloI am looking to purchase black dates in India. Kindly share the RFQ and also pics and pricing so show more ...

  • Posted On:29-01-2024
  • Company Name:Show
  • Contact Number:Show
  • Purchaser:rakesh goyal
  • Buying FrequencyQuarterly
  • Time of Validity1 Year
  • Preferred Payment Method:T/T,L/C


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