CNC Vtl Importers and Buyers

Showing 6+ Buying Lead(s) below

CNC lathe machines

CNC lathe machines, CNC VTL , CNC VMC , good condition used machines for metal machining and show more ...

  • Posted On:31-08-2023
  • Company Name:Show
  • Contact Number:Show
  • Purchaser:prithpal
  • Buying FrequencyQuarterly
  • Time of Validity1 Week
  • Preferred Payment Method:T/T,L/C

United Arab Emi...

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RFQ for Punch press machine

Cnc gear Hobbing Grinders Milling VTL with height is of 3000mmRoll bending 3000mm show more ...

  • Posted On:17-11-2022
  • Company Name:Show
  • Contact Number:Show
  • Purchaser:rajesh bhasin
  • Buying FrequencyOther
  • Destination Port India
  • Time of Validity1 Year
  • Preferred Payment Method:T/T,L/C


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Need CNC Machine to make Door Knobs,Door Handles etc

need CNC Machine to make Door Knobs,Door Handles etc show more ...

  • Posted On:20-10-2021
  • Company Name:Show
  • Contact Number:Show
  • Purchaser:prakhar gupta


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Requirement for CNC insert for the Pine wood

i am looking forward to the CNC insert for the Pine wood show more ...

  • Posted On:23-09-2020
  • Company Name:Show
  • Contact Number:Show
  • Purchaser:thomas
  • Time of Validity1 Week


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Requirement for CNC insert for the Pine wood

i am looking forward to the CNC insert for the Pine wood show more ...

  • Posted On:07-09-2020
  • Company Name:Show
  • Contact Number:Show
  • Purchaser:thomas
  • Buying FrequencyQuarterly
  • Time of Validity1 Week


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CNC Vtl Table Size Dia 1500 mm

CNC VTL with table size dia 1500 mm show more ...

  • Posted On:20-02-2018
  • Company Name:Show
  • Contact Number:Show
  • Destination Port Mumbai
  • Preferred Payment Method:T/T


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